Reduced Stream Flows

  1. Hermosa Creek


    Hermosa Creek is one of those rare watersheds where you can go from work to the high country and be catching eager trout in the amount of time it takes you to lace your boots.

  2. California and Klamath

    California has the most diverse ecology of any state, and, other than Alaska, has the most species of native trout and salmon. California boasts 31 distinct kinds of trout, salmon and steelhead – 20 of which are found only in the Golden State. It is, truly, a trout angler’s paradise.

  3. Western Water Project

    Name a cherished place in the West, and chances are a river runs through it—places with names like the Blackfoot, Hat Creek, Big Hole, Henry’s Fork, Little Lost River.

  4. Science

    The Science Team at TU helps guide where and how the organization conducts its conservation efforts, collaborates on scientific projects with various state and federal agencies and partners, and also conducts original scientific research on trout conservation and conservation planning.

  5. New England


    Two hundred years of logging, road-building and “progress” across six New England states have transformed this land into something more domestic, more suited to people rather than the fish that swim in the cold, clear waters of the region.


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