-Help fund 'Trout in the Classroom' programs in Central VT. where kids learn the connection between fish eggs and a healthy fishery and the life cycle in between?

-Help our tree planting projects which helps with thermal refuge for our trout and bank stabilization for our streams and rivers?

- Help us in our quest to assess and replace culverts that are currently restricting fish passage and spawning habitat?

-Help send kids to Vermont's Trout Unlimited Camp where teens put down their mobile devices for 5 days and pick up knowledge to last a lifetime?

If you attend our 44th Annual Fundraising Conservation Banquet on March 28th, you will be helping with ALL of this and MORE! For the past 5 months the Central Vermont Trout Unlimited banquet team has been out knocking on doors collecting auction items, door prizes and cool bucket raffle items to compliment the evening. Fisherman and non fishers alike are guaranteed a fun evening. Ethan Merrill, of the famous Vermont Merrill family of auctioneers, is generously donating his time. Maines' author, outfitter and guide, Bob Mallard will be our guest speaker... we just need YOU to attend and help ensure a successful night. If you haven't yet done so, please go to and buy your tickets today. If you cannot join us this year, please consider buying a Helios Switch rod outfit or a Grand Prize ticket of a 5 days 4 nights Catskill get-away for exceptional fishing on the storied Delaware River. Who knows….you could be holding the winning ticket! You need not be present to win.

Please visit our secure website at for all of the details . Help us to continue the work of conserving, protecting and restoring our rivers and streams. Together we will make a difference.

For questions or additional information call me at 802-233-0426 or email me at:

Thank you. Janie Merola McKenzie Events Coordinator